Conferences / Ostuni (BR)

11-15 Agosto 2018 Tuning into the Wild


è un seminario esperienziale volto a sviluppare consapevolezza e creatività attraverso il movimento.

Si svolgerà nello scenario della terra rossa di Puglia che sarà la musa ispiratrice della nostra danza, selvaggia e delicata. La natura sarà la nostra maestra, ciò che farà risuonare in noi tanto la parte istintuale, il selvatico, quanto il senso di gioiosa compartecipazione col tutto, luogo in cui la nostra identità potrà espandersi fino a farci sentire di essere noi stessi parte del mare, del cielo, di una nuvola passeggera, di un filo d’erba che trema al vento.

Franco svilupperà la sua proposta a partire dai principi che informano la pratica dell’Aikido, il Tai chi-Chi gong, la Contact improvisation, il Body work (massaggi energetici), la terapia Craniosacrale Biodinamica e la Deep Ecology . Ciò costituirà la base ispirativa per potersi abbandonare nel gioco del contatto con se stessi, con i partners e con la natura circostante.

Oltre all riserve marine e ai campi di ulivi secolari sono previste escursioni in luoghi poco antropizzati dove poter attivare la nostra natura sensoriale e apprezzare la vitalità degli spazi selvaggi. Il seminario si rivolge ad attori, danzatori, musicisti, a chi interessato alle terapie alternative, alla Permacultura, alla Deep Ecology, all’Ecopsicologia e a quanti vogliono lasciare spazio alla meraviglia e alla danza celebrando l’anima del mondo.

Francesco Zita

Roots: a basis to dance. The seminar is based on principles coming from Aikido ,Tai chi-Chi kung, Contact improvisation, instant composition and body work . This work will inspire us to let go and flow contacting ourselves, partners, and the surrounding nature. During the classes we will practice grounding, spirals and flow into the movement, intention, connection centre-extremity, moving without effort, exploring different kind of touch and weight, tuning with partners and environment, energetic massage

Francesco Zita is a Tai chi-Chi kung and Contact improvisation teacher, Biodinamic Craniosacral therapist, dancer and performer.

In the early 80’s he started his training in theatre-improvisation, martial arts (Aikido, Kung fu), Yoga (Iyengar). He also studied massage, including shiatsu, ayurvedic massage and bodywork.

In 1994, Francesco and Germana Siciliani founded ‘Casinasettarte’ research center in the field of dance improvisation, Contact improvisation, dance-theatre, Butoh dance, martial arts, Feldenkrais, voice and movement and performance.

His interest for Taoist philosophy will bring him to develop his interest for Permaculture and Deep Ecology that will enrich the possibility to be in harmony with the Tao, the ‘Way of Nature’.

Marialuisa Capurso
From silence to breath. The voice is the natural gesture I do to communicate, as the movement is. A body needs his voice, and the voice needs his body, do I perceive the path of my breath? where does my breath go and how does it become voice? How does my body move toward the voice?
During the workshop we will work on the active listening of the voice connected to the body, and on the relation with the space and with the others. The aim is to create a sound gesture starting from the silence.
We will make breathing excercises with voice and body, exploration of sounds, and improvisation in solo, duo and groups.
Each participant is asked to bring a small poem, or just sentences, or a little songs text.
Italian singer, sound artist, composer and performer based in Berlin. Her work is multidisciplinary and focused on the connection between voice, sound, field recordings, body and improvisation. She investigates and explores the realm of acoustic sounds and electronic interfaces as extension of human voice. Art and life, sound and movement, the common line is the improvisation which leads her to research and to create new worlds.
“Everything spawns from the urgency I carry inside myself, and from the need to create an artistic dimension I belong to, an intimate and pure dimension devoid of any sort of strict rules, and shareable with whoever wishes to be part of it. A search towards the essence, leading to a continuous discovery of new worlds, real and unreal, deformed, imaginary, mystic, irriverent and extreme worlds. Tuning in with the outside, with space and events, actions become ritual, short circuit, a flow of alteration”.
She studied Theater and dance at “Accademia Stabile del Musical”, she graduated with a bachelor of jazz music at Conservatory “N.Piccini” in Bari, Puglia, and with a Master of new musical languages and technology at the Conservatory “N.Rota” in Monopoli, Puglia. She studied with Meredith Monk, Faheem Mazaar, Chiara Guidi, Michela Lucenti, Patricia Bardi, Barry Harris, Zeno Gabaglio, Carlos Zingaro, Dave Moss, Kent Carter, Karl Berger, William Parker, etc etc. She sang the contemporary solo pieces for voice “Lettura di Braibanti” with and for Sylano Bussotti. She recorded with the Hocus Pocus Orchestra and William Parker the album “What Shall We Do” for Silta Records.
Casina Settarte - Contrada La Chiusa - Ostuni (BR)
40.73458 - 17.50697
from Saturday 11 August 2018
ore 0:00
to: Wednesday 15 August 2018
ore 0:00

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