Concerts / San Cassiano (LE)

Silvia Salemi in concerto

You may also like the following events from The Boss srl:This Sunday, 6th August, 09:00 pm, Renzo Arbore L'Orchestra Italiana in Provincia di CasertaThis Sunday, 6th August, 09:00 pm, Emanuela Aureli Show 2017 in Provincia di LecceNext Monday, 7th August, 09:00 pm, Manuela Villa in concerto in Provincia di Foggia
San Cassiano LECCE - - San Cassiano (LE)
from Sunday 20 August 2017
ore 0:00

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Tesoretto (4.65 km)
mangiare nelle vicinanze
The Riviera (9.94 km)
da visitare nelle vicinanze
Marquis palace (1.32 km)

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