Monuments / Lecce (LE)

Naples gate

Porta Napoli, built in 1548 in honor of Carlo V.
The dedicatory epigraph translates: "To the Emperor Cesare Carlo V, Augustus winner, in the Indies, in Gaul and Africa; subjugator of Christian rebels, terror and extermination of the Turks; propagator of the Christian religion in the world with works and advices; being in the government of this province Ferrante Loffredo, who was able to keep away the Turks and the enemies of the empire from the beaches of Salento and Japigia; the University and the grateful people of Lecce dedicated this arc to the greatness and majesty of Him, in the year 1548".
The promiscuous area has been undergoing excavations, conducted by the University of Salento, who have revealed different rich burials of grave goods from the Messapian age.
Lecce (LE)
40.3564885470 - 18.1685677170

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