Torre Rinalda

Torre Rinalda is a seaside town of Salento, and Lecce's hamlet. The town is named after the 16th-century tower built by the Spaniards to defend Salento against the attacks by Saracen pirates. A short distance from Torre Rinalda, inland, lies the beautiful Abbey of Santa Maria delle Cerrate The ancient watchtower, now in ruins, has a truncated pyramid structure with a square base. It was erected around the 16th century.
Lecce (LE)

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Eventi a Torre Rinalda
Dormire a Torre Rinalda
Zenit Hotel (12.08 km)
Mangiare a Torre Rinalda
Diffy Avio (11.74 km)
Svagarsi a Torre Rinalda
Maluha Bay (2.69 km)
Coral Viaggi (13.26 km)

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